Happy New Year from FiFi and the St. Albans

1 year ago

Happy New Year from FiFi and the St. Albans Stand!! Keep Standing strong together, focus on what you want your reality to be in 2022! 💛
Existing Stands can register under 'other' on the AVP directory to alert others visiting the website to your presence! www.againstvaccinepassports.com
Please note that contact email/phone details will be visible so only enter them if you wish to be your Stand 'rep' for those with enquiries. 😊 Creating a designated Stand email that regular Standers can access and monitor is a good idea! You can also add either your own local FB or Telegram group as a link or use the official ASITP website: www.astandinthepark.org Let's spread the word and grow our Stands even further in 2022!! 💪

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