Aug 21st - Sep 3rd (Audio)

1 year ago

[00:00:00] Is death an unjustifiable violation? (Bruce Charlton)

[00:04:22] A theory of Romanticism - Yes, it's needed (but we must frame our question properly) (Bruce Charlton)

[00:09:18] Dreher Inadvertently Reveals Everything That Is Wrong About "Heaven Over Budapest" (Francis Berger)

[00:19:05] Not Going Along with the Aquarian Flow (William Wildblood)

[00:26:04] Professions as a Gateway to Alignment With Evil (Francis Berger)

[00:30:26] The Charles Williams attitude to life... Tried and failed (Bruce Charlton)

[00:35:50] If Necessity is the Mother of All Invention, Then Freedom and Love is the Mother of all Creativity (Francis Berger)

[00:40:35] Transtemporal Secret Christians versus "the Empire that never ended" (aka. the Black Iron Prison) - the Exegesis of Philip K Dick (Bruce Charlton)

[00:46:39] ​The Spiritual State of Middle-Classdom and Its Destructive Effect on Christianity (Francis Berger)

[00:55:57] Positive spiritual reasons for resisting the Empire-that-never-ended, for striving to escape the Black Iron Prison (Bruce Charlton)

[01:01:24] Christian evangelism via Death (Bruce Charlton)

[01:04:36] "Going it alone" as a Secret Christian (Bruce Charlton)

[01:09:18] Why is the Western leadership class incapable not only of leadership - but even of reasoning? (Bruce Charlton)

[01:13:26] "Anything but Christianity" is rooted in the rejection of resurrection (Bruce Charlton)

[01:17:18] The desire to live in bliss and without suffering is - ultimately - a desire for annihilation (Bruce Charlton)

[01:20:48] Set-aside the business of "Worshipping" God, if you want: What matters is whether or not you Take God's Side (Bruce Charlton)

[01:23:21] Thoughts on the Secular Corruption of Spirituality (William Wildblood)

[01:30:04] How Modern Man's desire for self-annihilation at death has led (via inverted values) to the societal self-destruction of The West (Bruce Charlton)

[01:36:30] A Good Life is Not Synomous With Being on God's "Good Side" (Francis Berger)

[01:39:23] Why death? (And other taboo questions) (Bruce Charlton)

[01:43:46] Are scientific geniuses dispensable in a way that artistic geniuses are not? (Bruce Charlton)

[01:51:42] "Boomers" are just as bad as their worst critics say; but the following generations are even-worse (Bruce Charlton)

[01:55:41] End of Summer Snapshots (Francis Berger)

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