MR. NON-PC - They're Stealing Children's Innocence...

10 months ago

One of the worst things you see nowadays in MopeyWorld is the theft of a child's innocence.

And the "corporate healthcare" systems are using and abusing these children by pushing the transvestite agenda, hacking up their private parts and CA$HING in on stealing their innocence!!

And not only is it the corporate healthcare systems participating in it, but it's the "satanic seminaries" aka "the public schools" and we can't forget the satanic U.S Government overseeing and promoting it as well!!

These horrible creeps are most likely never gonna face justice on this earth for all the horrible things they have done and KEEP doing, but you can assure yourself that GOD almighty will judge them accordingly!!!

We know that these evil fools and tools are just "WHORES FOR THE MONEY" and wouldn't be pushing this crap if they weren't making tons and tons of money of this greasy GRIFT. Very similar to how the corporate healthcare systems and evil doctors pushed chemotherapy (and they knew the success rate was little to none!) years back....but hey, they made thousands of each patient....just like TODAY'S GRIFT!!!!!

There needs to be more outspoken people speaking THE TRUTH about the sad and disturbing FACTS about stealing a child's innocence.........

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