Russia downs ‘several’ Ukrainian drones in latest strike

1 year ago

Russia says it has downed several Ukrainian drones overnight one drone onedrone was reportedly intercepted close to Moscow and at least two more over the southern rostov region it comes as the U.S Secretary of State Anthony blinken continues a two-day visit to Kiev during which he announced a new Aid package of more than a billion dollars for Ukraine just hours before the U.S, U.S announcement 17 people were killed in a Russian missile strike on a crowded Market in eastern Ukraine another 30 people another 32 people were wounded and just a warning you might find some of the images disturbing in Paul Adams reports that's coming up close to Ukraine's Eastern front lines death falls from the sky without warning two o'clock in the afternoon a row of shops in the town of constantinivia they're used to attacks here but not on this scale.

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