🚨We're here today because HHS Secretary Becerra has failed to follow the Constitution and the law

9 months ago

🚨“We're all members of the Energy and Commerce Committee, and we're here today because HHS Secretary Becerra has failed to follow the Constitution and the law.

🚨There's been a complete breakdown of accountability at the agency that has lost the trust of the American people, especially during COVID-19. 14 NIH officials, including Dr. Fauci, held unlawful positions and exercise authority that they didn't have which included approving $26 billion in grants. This is unprecedented, and it calls into question the validity of every decision that these officials have made since December 2021 to June 2023, including Dr. Fauci's awarding a new grant to EcoHealth Alliance, which is, but what is even more egregious has been Health and Human Services' cover-up.

🚨The administration has misled our committee throughout this investigation. And our question has been a pretty simple one. Can you show us the documents that Secretary Becerra followed the Constitution and the law in reappointing these 14 senior officials who exercised immense power and authority? The question, can you show us the documents? And we're still waiting. There needs to be accountability. No one is above the law.

Americans need to know that their tax dollars are being spent responsibly, effectively, and lawfully, and that the people making these decisions are lawfully authorized to make them. So with that, I'm going to turn it over to the chairman of the oversight and investigation subcommittee, Martin Griffith. Thank you, madam chair. And I adopt all the things that, uh, chairwoman Rogers just said, but let me say this, this is very frustrating.”

This video is a great listen 💯

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