Structure of a Black hole🖲️

1 year ago

Photon ring:
A ring of light composed of multiple distorted images of the disk. The light making up these images has orbited the black hole two, three or even more times before escaping to us.
They become thinner and fainter closer to the black hole.
Accretion disk:
The hot, thin, rotating disk formed by matter slowly spiraling toward the black hole.Accretion disk
The hot, thin, rotating disk formed by matter slowly spiraling toward the black hole.
This is an area roughly twice the size of the event horizon - the black hole’s point of no return - that is formed by its gravitational lensing and capture of light rays.
Doppler beaming:
Light from glowing gas in the accretion disk is brighter on the side where material is moving toward us, fainter on the side where it’s moving away from us.

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