Strengthened By Fire & Back Online w/ Barre Lando & Mike Winner

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What a few weeks it's been! While the best-ever Music & Sky gathering raged menacing fires threatened the AV Farm, but the 2023 harvest has commenced amidst the chaos & uncertainty.

We had to vacate the farm and suspend all Alfa Vedic business, but we're back! Fire is the element of purification, but the unbridled effects of this powerful force has been harnessed since antiquity to displace & conquer indigenous populations.

Recent fires drove that reality too close to home, but we survived and have returned to our beloved off-grid home with a heightened sense of mission.

Mike & I thought it would be fun to do a recap of recent events for Alfacast this Thursday. As usual we'll introspect through the larger lense of these historical times.

When fall farm duties lessen we'll be channelling our energies into our new membership site, while we continue the development of our AV workshop-retreat. We're happy to get back into the flow, and we wouldn't have made it this far without the support of the AV Community.

Thank you! ~. Dr. Barre Lando

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