1 year ago

Did u know Crystals have healing powers?

Crystal healing is a pseudoscientific alternative-medicine practice that uses semiprecious stones and crystals such as quartz, agate, amethyst, or opal. Practitioners believe that crystals can boost low energy, prevent bad energy, release blocked energy, and transform a body's aura.

However, there is no scientific basis for this claim, and there is no evidence that crystal healing can be used to cure diseases.
Some in the alternative medicine community believe that crystals interact with the body's energy fields, redirecting and re-channeling energy flow with their unique energetic vibrations, helping to unblock areas of the body or energy field that have become "stuck." While some crystals are said to alleviate stress, others purportedly improve concentration or creativity.

While there is no scientific evidence that crystals can fix medical conditions, they could have some mental and even physical benefits thanks to the placebo effect.

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