9/11 Observable Evidence: Stairwell B Survivors

9 months ago

In this video I discuss the Stairwell B survivors which were located in the lower portion of WTC 1 North Tower's central core. Somehow, no rubble landed above the survivors, shocking the survivors whom were in disbelief that a 110 floor building did not crush them. In fact, as per the testimony of firefighter Mickey Kross and the "9/11 surfer" Pasquale Buzzelli, they were both seeing sunlight when the tower vanished. Pasquale was a structural engineer working inside the WTC 1 at the time and states that he somehow fell or "surfed" down from the 22nd floor to the 7th floor near Stairwell B, a fall of 15 floors yet somehow he survived! In total there were 16 survivors near Stairwell B, and none of them were crushed, burned, blasted, or deafened from explosives or a pancaked collapse. The only explanation is that the WTC 1 vanished into dust above them.

The timestamps of key parts of the video are listed below:

- Stairwell B survivor testimony by Mickey Kross: 0:00
- "It started lifting me up off the ground: 0:29
- WTC 1 turns to dust above the Stairwell B survivors: 1:36
- Stairwell B was located in the bottom central core columns of WTC 1: 2:54
- No rubble collapsed on top of Stairwell B: 3:34
- WTC 1 weighed 500,000 tons, was 1368 ft tall, 110 floors, and 208 ft wide: 3:54
- WTC 1 vanishes into dust above the Stairwell B survivors: 4:20
- "110 story building above us and I'm looking up at the sun": 4:57
- WTC 1 rubble pile: 5:54
- WTC 7 is still standing: 7:50
- WTC 1 weighed the same as 10 Titanics: 9:20
- WTC 1 before and after turning to dust: 10:41
- Height of average person compared with the WTC Twin Towers: 11:38
- Close up of Stairwell B: 12:20
- Pasquale Buzzelli landed near Stairwell B from the 22th floor: 12:35
- "there was nothing above me": 13:44
- Summary: WTC 1 survivors were not buried, blasted, crushed, struck, burned, cooked, nuked, deafened, or blinded: 14:20

This video was taken from the following video listed below:

- 9/11 Observable Evidence (MES Dubbed): Still Working On It...
- 9/11 Observable Evidence (Original): https://youtu.be/8Xw-00NbEE8
- Video sections playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLai3U8-WIK0G_HHWt33moIqEeUBP3cgCh

Related Videos:

- #911Truth video series: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLai3U8-WIK0EzqTamtIXtgX8QudQSxuxh and https://peakd.com/truth/@mes/911 .


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