Ep 2008: No Suitcase? No Fundraising? No Problem!

1 year ago

Join iWork4Him on a 2-week mission trip starting November 5th – right from the comfort of your own home! This is a trip that everyone can go on. And as you’ll hear in this episode, once you go on one Marketplace Mission Trip, you’ll want to keep going “taking” these trips. Follower of One’s Mike Henry outlines what a Marketplace Mission Trip looks like and why you should consider participating.

Life’s circumstances can make it hard to find time and raise money to go on a mission trip overseas, but foreign missions should be the exception, not the rule. Our “rule” is our normal, everyday lives. In our day to day, busyness robs us of intentionality. But when you realize that Jesus wants to use you in your workplace, you can help those around you move one notch closer to Him.

Jane, who works with the Polished Network, went on a mission trip recently and shares her experience. You’re NOT too busy. “Choose to show up” and it will change the way you see your actions and the people around you each day.

Pray about taking part in the iWork4Him hosted mission trip in November, where you’ll spend week one preparing your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and then week two truly living out your faith in your workplace. Check out the 2-week mission trip outline, or you can even get a copy of the Marketplace Mission Trip workbook that outlines a 6-week workplace mission trip.

For regular content to inspire you on your mission field, make sure you follow iWork4Him on the social platforms you’re on: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Truth Social, YouTube, and Rumble. And just like Martha mentioned in the show, if you’re trying to bolster your prayer life, consider joining the iWork4Him Prayer Team.

Guests: Mike Henry; Jane Doerman

Ministry/ Workplace: https://FollowerOfOne.org

iWork4Him Audio Podcast - https://www.iwork4him.com/podcast/2023/2008

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