Protestors of Zhongzhi Enterprise Group and Zhongrong International Trust were forcibly carried away

1 year ago

9/5/2023 Videos filmed by Chinese netizens show victims of Zhongzhi Enterprise Group and Zhongrong International Trust protesting at regulatory authorities in Beijing. However, they encountered violent treatment from security personnel in black uniforms, with some victims being forcibly carried away.
#ZhongzhiEnterpriseGroup #collapse #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/5/2023 中国网友拍到的视频显示,中植和中融信托的受害者来到北京的监管部门抗议维权,竟遭遇黑衣保安的暴力相待,有部分受害者被暴力抬走。
#中植 #暴雷 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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