#93 Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED)

1 year ago

SMED stands for Single-Minute Exchange of Die, and it is a lean manufacturing technique used to reduce the time it takes to change over a manufacturing process from producing one product to another. The goal of SMED is to minimize or eliminate downtime associated with changeovers, allowing a company to be more flexible and responsive to customer demands.
Here are some key principles and concepts associated with SMED:
Internal vs. External Setup: SMED categorizes setup activities into two types: internal and external. Internal setup activities are those that can only be performed when the equipment is not running, while external setup activities can be conducted while the equipment is still running. The aim is to convert as many internal setup activities into external ones.
Standardization: Standardizing setup procedures and creating detailed setup instructions helps reduce variation and errors during changeovers.
Parallelization: In some cases, it's possible to perform setup activities in parallel with production, further reducing changeover times.
Elimination of Adjustments: SMED encourages finding ways to make setups more precise and eliminating the need for adjustments during production.
Setup Reduction Teams: Cross-functional teams are often formed to analyze and improve setup processes. These teams may include operators, maintenance personnel, engineers, and other relevant stakeholders.
Continuous Improvement: SMED is an ongoing process that requires continuous improvement efforts to identify and eliminate inefficiencies in setup processes.
The ultimate goal of SMED is to reduce setup times to the point where they can be accomplished in less than ten minutes, or even in a single minute, hence the term "Single-Minute Exchange of Die." By implementing SMED principles, companies can increase production flexibility, reduce waste, and respond more quickly to changes in customer demand.

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