Stop This Noise Now & Play Us Some Rock

9 months ago
By: white., christopher
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This one is for all the prejudging liberals & all the others who know it is a ⬛️ man doing something different & the ones who are agents for this site dictating on what is approved & what is not HOWEVER as soon as they hear all that rhythm section they just wanna call it R&B, soul or gospel . Now see, there you go ⬛️-boxing me thinking awww c'mon man just rap c'mon you're ⬛️ & you're not rapping or playing jazz or playing gospel ! WHAT DA So yeah, I am going to stop this noise & play you some rock THEY WAY IT OUGHT TO BE PLAYED
this is not the usual ol one two one two just please sound like everyone else WHO IS BLACK please SING THE SAME NOTES like all the other black vocalists 🙄 & no i will not employ anyone else to do it since:
1. for years and years music direction could not go avant-garde when teaming with others
2. too many songs about drugs and violence
3. it’s brave and stunning when a white musician does something not expected but when a black musician does something not expected he’s weird, a coon, an uncle tom
4. the white musician has artistic freedom but the black musician had better watch his step and this is / was early 21st Century 🙄
5. keep getting baited & switched and the next thing i know i’m producing shit-hop or some r&b vocalist who can’t even record the vocal tracks in 1️⃣ take

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