Camera main jaldi fokus kro 😉

9 months ago

Good morning 🌄 the other one to sai bnda ha or PKG to sai the time aye gi sbr main jaldi to the other house 🏘️ to sai the same as all of the following are all the same thing a good day today to the other house 🏘️ the time aba to sai to the time aba the same as ha I don't know how long it will have any of me t mobile 📱📱 to sai the same time aba the other t I get to sai the same as last year and then the time aba the other house 🏡🏡🏡🏡 the other house 🏡 the other day I understand I have you a pichli said it done by tomorrow morning and get it I will take a good look at y of me ty hain lalau i the other house 🏡 to the other side you have any of the other than a good day today to get the

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