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Astronaut Training Experience: three sea monkeys in a Multi-Axis Trainer

1 year ago

The day before JoCo Cruise Crazy 2, sea monkeys Ellie, Eric and I did the Astronaut Training Experience (ATX) at Kennedy Space Center. Part of it was spinning around in this Multi-Axis Trainer. It was a lot of fun and not at all nauseating, since the stomach stays at the centre of gravity. In the background you can see somebody going up the zero-gravity wall, where the climber's weight is balanced out so they can go up and down with very little effort. For more information on the Astronaut Training Experience, see http://kennedyspacecenter.com/astrona...

As Marian Call would sing:
Who's to say we're upside down?
Who's to say we're falling if we miss the ground?
Who's to say we're going nowhere
if we like spinning 'round and 'round?


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