How Ireland was exploited by the Holy See...

1 year ago

Roman Catholic Orders , exploited irish Catholics throughout irish history. The Vatican crimes , which were inflicted on every nation in the world are being white-washed by rich-opus dei and jesuit controlled media barons worldwide. The atrocities are endless. The Vatican is the opposite of Christianity, everything the Vatican has done is evil personified. Come out of her my people- Is a verse from Revelations 18. Tuam, Ireland Documentary: What Really Happened at the Mother and Baby Homes in Ireland? An important note: the narrator equates the Roman Church as `christianity` but it isn`t . The Roman Church lurks behind the garbs of Christianity. It has produced its own version of Christianity , which is the opposite of Biblical Christianity. It uses words from the bible to hide behind, such as the order of the `sisters of mercy` or the `good shepherd` or the `society of Jesus` aka the jesuits. The Roman Catholic Church masquerades as Christian and blasphemes true Christianity but in the end it will be cast down.

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