Jack McPherrin: ESG—Freedom vs Slavery | Tom Nelson Pod #145

1 year ago

Jack McPherrin is The Heartland Institute’s research editor, as well as a research fellow within Heartland’s Socialism Research Center (SRC). As research editor, Jack sources, manages, and edits all Heartland research publications, and regularly contributes op-eds for publication at various media outlets, including The Epoch Times, Washington Times, Western Journal, American Greatness, Center Square, and Townhall, among others. As an SRC research fellow, Jack authors his own research publications and policy studies; he focuses most heavily upon Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) scores, authoritarianism, socialism, and international affairs. Jack also manages content and contributes writing for the SRC’s website, StoppingSocialism.com.

The Many Threats of ESG: https://heartland.org/podcasts/the-many-threats-of-esg-guest-jack-mcpherrin/
McPherrin: Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Scores: A Threat to Individual Liberty, Free Markets, and the U.S. Economy https://heartland.org/publications/environmental-social-and-governance-esg-scores-a-threat-to-individual-liberty-free-markets-and-the-u-s-economy-2/
Bud Brigham “Testifies Bank Threatened To Withhold Loan If He Didn’t Tweet ‘Climate Change’ Talking Points”:
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