Dr. Anthony Fauci Reacts to First Lady Dr. Jill Biden Getting COVID-19

1 year ago

"She been vaccinated, she's been boosted, and she had a prior infection last year."

Wait a minute, are not those effective vaccines supposed to prevent infection from Covid?

Wait just another minute, didn't the CDC just say that the Vaccinated are the ones getting this new variant that Jill Biden has?

So the people who aren't vaccinated are not getting this and the vaccinated are getting it and Fauci says Jill should do fine because she's vaccinated?


Are people getting this game they are playing here?

Is this just propaganda preparation for masks, social distancing and lockdowns when the fall outbreaks occur?

Wake up to the brainwashing seeds they just planted.

SOURCE: Forbes Breaking News -- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UhPyyW6jak

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