Oprah vs Julia Roberts

1 year ago

Julia Roberts has a house in Maui not destroyed.

Julia Roberts and Oprah to 1st Fire in Maui
Julia Roberts= 669 total months 9 months between 69 ending in days between
Oprah= 69 years 6 months 6 days between with 9 ending in days between

Oprah in seconds is 6699
Julia Roberts 669 months 9 months between

Oprah in minutes subliminal read 6666

Oprah in hours 66996
Julia Roberts 669 months 9 months between.

Julia Roberts in days between 20369
203m to ft is 666 and or can be read as 66669

Julia Roberts 10/28/1967-8/4/2023 Fires. Freemasonry in seconds. 48,88 in hours. Both dates of Fires 4/8/ and 8/8. Oprah Birthday in weeks apart 29th 1st month

Julia Roberts 10/28/1967-8/8/2023 Fires. 9/11. Oprah’s Birthday in weeks old.
37120 in minutes. Oprah House off Highway 37. Illuminati. 8/8 in hours.

Oprah-Julia Roberts 10/28/1967.
165 months. Oprah House is off Mile Marker 16.5
72288 minutes.
Fires happened again on Tuesday 7 letters 2nd day of week on 8/8.

228= Illuminati HQ Denver Airport.
120480 hours. Illuminati. Oprah House 480 sq ft
37 in seconds. Oprah House off Highway 37.

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