Dog-sitter recovering after a horrific Pit Bull attack 2023

1 year ago

- Jacqueline Durand was catastrophically mauled by a Pit Bull and a "German Shepherd Mixed Breed". But we can clearly see in the police video and photos that only the pit bull has blood all over its face.

The media just wanted to cover the pit bull by also blaming the "German Shepherd Mixed Breed". If they ask her which dog attacked her "first", we're almost certain she would say it was the pit bull. Pit bull advocates try their best to minimize the damage by calling it "mixed breed".

Pit Bull Victim Awareness advocates for more than 70 organizations and social media groups in the United States and Canada, including memorial and support pages for victims of pit bull attacks, breed-specific legislation, and non-profit organizations. Peer-reviewed medical journals have published more than 35 articles on the disproportionate damage of pit bull attacks. Doctors are now actively calling pit bulls a “public health crisis.”

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