MR. NON-PC- Most People Don't Really Work That Hard...

10 months ago

You always hear that one lazy person at any job proclaim "I work so hard" and you know damn well that they're lying.

And I think the bigger issue is that the majority of people "think they work so hard" and they really don't.

Most of these weak fools are merely glorified paper pushers too, and get paid far more than they ever deserve.

And strangely too, the people who always seem to be slaving away and "working so hard" never seem to have much to show for at the end of the day. But isn't ironic that they always seem to have plenty of money for cigarettes, beer, liquor and drugs? Hmmmmm....

And let's not forget that nearly half of everyone's paycheck gets taken by the satanic U.S Government too EVERY SINGLE PAY PERIOD!

I recently met an older man (probably in his late 60s) that had been working in the tree removal business since 1984, and I gotta say that he WAS a hard worker. This guy was climbing up 30-40 feet with spike boots and a chainsaw.

Seeing this older man (who was a total badass lol) was inspiring and really made me realize how very few like him actually work hard, while the majority of people really don't work that hard!

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