Shocking Disrespect Shown In Biden's Abrupt Exit at Honor Ceremony

1 year ago

Shocking Disrespect Shown In Biden's Abrupt Exit at Honor Ceremony

In this video, we watch the shocking disrespect manifested in Biden's abrupt exit during a sacred Medal of Honor ceremony. Biden, as Commander-in-Chief, left a Medal of Honor recipient on the stage by himself to finish out the rest of the ceremony alone. He treated a war hero the same way he looks at everyday Americans; with total disdain.

Captain Larry L. Taylor, a beacon of courage and heroism, was left astonished and visibly hurt by this unexpected and disrespectful move.

Watch as we compare Biden's disrespectful behavior to the grace and dignity exhibited by former Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump during similar ceremonies. The difference is palpable.

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#BidensAbruptExit #ShockingDisrespect #CaptainLarryLTaylor

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