Kim Osbøl: This is the Sick Satanic Fascist World for All Children! [06.09.2023]

1 year ago

'LIES and ANIMALS' by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881)

”A man who lies to himself, and believes his own Lies, becomes unable to recognize truth, either in himself or in anyone else...

And he ends up losing respect for himself and for others...

When he has no respect for anyone, he can no longer love...

And in order to divert himself, having no love in him, heyields to his impulses, indulges in the lowest form of pleasure, and behaves in the end like an animal.

And it all comes from Lying... To others and to yourself.”

- Fyodor Dostoyevsky (1821-1881)
Clip 1.
Is Pedophile Satanist Oprah Winfrey really so 'concerned' about Maui?
Or is this also a fucking 'Coincidence'?
There is NO such thing as a Fucking 'Coincidence'!
To be continued...

Just Sanja 12
905 subscribers
599 views 12 hours ago
Clip 2.
WEF Earpods to 'Monitor' Your Mind (and more)!

You cannot perceive something you aren’t a vibration of.

This is why you seem crazy to those that are at a lower state of consciousness than you.

What you consume, will consume you.

What if I told you, we are in World War III, and instead of tanks, guns, and bombs, this war is a war on consciousness.

What if I were to tell you that the enemy has infiltrated your home and most people don’t even realize it?

- Fluoride in your toothpaste
- Chlorine in your water
- Aluminum in your deodorant
- Carcinogens in your cleaning/laundry supplies
- Addicting and chronically deadly GMOs in your favorite food
- TV show’s subconsciously programming you and your children
- Chem trails sprayed in your air…

The enemy has full infiltration, and not a single shot was fired.

Billions have been invested in the slow poisoning of humanity.
They do not want you waking up. They want you a slave to the system forever.
Clip 3.
What is the Heart and Brain 'Coherence'?

'Coherence' is a state or situation in which all the parts or ideas fit together well so that they form a united whole.

These heart cells play a significant role in storing cellular memory, particularly unresolved traumas, which can affect our overall health and well-being.

Unresolved traumas can manifest as diseases or dysfunctions in organs over time.

Through techniques like focus of awareness, breath regulation, and conscious emotion creation, humans have the unique ability to harmonize the heart and brain, leading to self-regulation of our biology, enhanced immunity, and heightened cognitive and intuitive abilities.

The optimum frequency for harmonizing the heart and brain is 0.1 Hertz, which aligns with the Earth’s magnetic field frequency, suggesting that self-regulation also harmonizes our biology with the planet’s magnetic fields.
Clip 4.
Yuri Bezmenov 1984 KGB Defector: 'Ideological Subversion' [1984]

Showing 10 of 22 matches.

They want weak men, weak families and weak communities.

This makes our culture much more pliable to top-down social control.
Clip 5.
Do you Eat Sugar?

People who purchase vegetable oils often assume that the bottle simply contains oil from vegetables.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. Manufacturers add a host of hidden, harmful ingredients, and not to mention that 90% of conventional soybean, corn, cotton and canola oils are grown from GMO seeds.
Clip 6.
Another Sick Satanic LGBTQIA+ Pedophile Psycopath in Plain Sight!

#HateMonger #Vaccineophiles #ConscientiousObjectors
Clip 7.
The Interview that got John Lennon Assassinated!
Clip 8.
The End Is Near!
Clip 9.
I Went To The Beach Today...! :)
Clip 10.
Meanwhile in Japan...
Clip 11.
The Police arrested about 200 homosexuals in Nigeria..

Sixty-seven of them will now be charged after investigations.

Most of the men who were paraded in front of journalists said they were not homosexuals but fashion designers, photographers and models invited to the event.

A police spokesman said homosexuality "will never be allowed in Nigeria."
Clip 12.
Pedophile Saranist Bill Gates Car Gets Surrounded by VERY Angry People!
Music used:
Epic Viking Music Shamanic Drums Female Chanting Nordic Atmosphere Valhalla Tribe Music
Dio - I Could Have Been A Dreamer (1987)
Iron Maiden The Number of the Beast (1982)
Intense Hybrid Horror Music
Note: Hey People... Again, It is a Fucking DRAG to Upload and get videos 'Processed' here on Rumble it is Fucking Slow... So If you wanna see all the videos I share go to my Bitchute or Telegram channel: -

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