Ep#342 Aldi Agaj: Building A Global Team For Success: How To Dedicate Your Team & Collaborate

9 months ago

⁠The Growth and Scaling Podcast with Todd Westra⁠

Ready to embark on an edu-tech adventure of cosmic proportions? Gather your own Global Team and unleash the magic of Team and collaborate like never before!

Join the merry edu-tech symphony and tune in to episode 342 for ⁠Aldi Agaj's⁠ priceless business wisdom, the Founder & CEO of ⁠AAK TELE-SCIENCE, INC⁠ and ⁠ALTER-LEARNING EDUCATIONAL PLATFORM, INC.⁠

But don't forget that teachers remain the unsung heroes in the classroom caper, valiantly battling overcrowded chaos and privacy dragons. For the Global Team, it's a perpetual dance of Team & Collaborate, where the educational galaxy is their playground.

So, seize the moment and kickstart your edu-tech journey today. Just like Aldi and his Alter-Learning crew, you can make educational magic happen, one Global Team and one Team & Collaborate at a time.

Ways to connect with Aldi:
Twitter: ⁠https://twitter.com/aaktele
Website: ⁠https://alter-learning.com/
Website:⁠ https://www.aaktelescience.com/
Personal LinkedIn:⁠ https://www.linkedin.com/in/aldi-agaj-7167b182/
Company LinkedIn:⁠ https://www.linkedin.com/company/aak-telesciences/
Company Facebook:⁠ https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068330137347

What’s in this podcast episode?
00:40 Who is our guest, and what is his business
02:22 Some examples of the awesome things they developed
03:44 The story of how they started their business
05:43 How many people are on his team today
07:55 What do they embed in the game that scans the child while playing
09:16 What can he say about the platform versus the human teachers
13:06 His business growth journey and how they went from 0 to 700 people in just two and a half year
15:13 What can every scientist do in AAK
19:05⁠ captainscouncil.com⁠ ad
20:37 What are some of the challenges in the organization
21:55 Who are the people who helped, supported, and mentored him whenever he faced some huge issues in his business
26:06 One secret that contributed to the success of their business
28:47 One thing about AAK Telescience that everybody should know
31:36 The main goal of AAK Tele-Science 
32:22 Someone in his life who inspires and motivates him to keep going

I highly suggest you watch this entire exchange between ⁠Aldi Agaj⁠  and ⭐️⁠Todd Westra⁠ 📈
If you're looking for tips and strategies to grow and scale your business, this episode is for you!

Full episode details here: ⁠https://links.thegaspodcast.com/342

1. Subscribe and Listen to ⁠⁠The Growth and Scaling Podcast with Todd Westra ⁠⁠
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