Kid Gives Up The Bike Race Trophy To Have Some More Fun Riding

7 years ago

This is great video, it shows just how funny kids can be! All they want to do is have some fun and enjoy their time! This little kid has a hilarious fail while riding the balance bike, but it doesn’t seem to phase him. Balance bike is like a little tricycle but with no wheels, so you should use the feet to push yourself. In this particular instance, the group of kids are going over some small hills and use the downward slope to gain speed! These kids look like they are having a great time and it looks like this kid in particular is having a blast! It is not often you see some balance bike races, but this one is definitely a treat! The young child provides lots of smiles and definitely had the crowd laughing!

The video begins and the three kids set off from the start line and in front of them is a nice set of dips and hills. They initially start with good speed at the start line at the top of one of the small dips! As they continue to move and go over some of the dips, they come to a bigger hill. These kids are very young, and some don’t have the strength to get themselves to the top of the hill, so some of the parents help them out and guide them to the top. Two of the kids get held up by this hill, while one of the young kids is able to pass through on his own without any problems along the way! Looks like he might have a future in motocross or bmx! As the other children are being helped by adults and parents, this one is able to continue on alone with no stops! It seems he is aimin at victory and this is definitely his race to come in first!

He pushes over the remaining small dips and hills, as he has already passed the biggest and toughest dip. He is pushing along with his nice green colored uniform and he even has a green bike to match his helmet and shirt! As he pushes forward, no other kid is in sight, he is nearing the finish line. As he is about to cross it, the young boy stops and starts to steer left. The crowd breaks out into smiles and laughter as the boy is circling around and is heading towards the dips again! It seems the young kid had so much fun with the race, he isn’t ready to finish it quite yet!

As he turns around and heads for the dips, the other two kids who got caught up on the big dip, pass by him and technically finish before him. Although leading the entire race, the young boy gave up his first place trophy to have some more fun! It is nice to see the boy is not concerned with winning and he is more concerned with just having a good time. Winning isn’t everything, and this boy here shows it. He has got some serious skills and wanted to test out some more!

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