Baby terrified of her own shadow

7 years ago

When kids are very young, they tend to be scared or a lot of things; thunder and lightning, the dark, bugs and creepy crawlies, and apparently their own shadow! This hilarious 14-month-old girl has become very afraid of her own shadow in this adorable clip. Don't worry sweetheart, it can't hurt you! This is one video that no viewer should miss as it is really hilarious. Surely this will be a clip that you will remember for a long time to come!

Isn't this video adorable? The fact that she is scared of her own shadow and tries to run away from it even though it still follows makes it all the more adorable and hilarious! You can really relate to this little baby as when you were younger, surely there was something that scared the living daylights out of you too!

Her shadow may scare her a lot, but she does seem like a really happy kid! Surely she isn't scared of the best baby toys from Amazon! After all, what baby does not like to play with toys? They always keep asking to play with your phone or keys anyways!

What scared you as a kid when you were younger? Let us know down in the comments!

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