In Beijing, Protestors of Zhongzhi Enterprise Group were attacked by the CCP thugs in white shirts

10 months ago

9/4/2023 An online viral video shows creditors of Zhongzhi Enterprise Group protesting in front of the group's headquarters, attacked by unidentified individuals in white shirts. Those individuals also used white shields to block their actions from being recorded. This is similar to the violent attacks on protesters by individuals in white shirts at the Yuen Long MTR station in Hong Kong in July 2019. This incident is reminiscent of one of the methods employed by the CCP for violently cracking down on peaceful protesters.
#ZhongzhiEnterpriseGroup #collapse #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/4/2023 网传视频显示,中植债权人来到该集团总部门前抗议,竟遭身着白衣的不明身份人士殴打,而这些暴徒则用白色挡板挡住他们的暴行以防被拍下来。这一幕与2019年7月香港元朗地铁站白衣人暴力袭击抗议者的恶劣行径如出一辙!这就是中共暴力镇压和平抗议者的方法之一!
#中植 #暴雷 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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