James Comer Subpoenas DHS, Secret Service over Tip-Off of Thwarted Hunter Biden Interview

9 months ago

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) took action on Tuesday by issuing six subpoenas targeting the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Secret Service.

This move followed DHS’s refusal to cooperate with House investigators in sharing information concerning what has been labeled as a “coverup” by the Biden administration in the Hunter Biden tax probe.

During the summer, FBI and IRS whistleblowers conveyed to House Republicans that the Secret Service and the Biden transition team had received advanced notice about a planned interview with Hunter Biden as part of United States Attorney for Delaware David Weiss’s investigation into the president’s son.

A former FBI agent affirmed that he and IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley were instructed in early December 2019 not to initiate contact with Hunter Biden, but instead to await Hunter Biden’s initiation of the interview.

However, instead of receiving a call from Hunter Biden, they were contacted by Hunter Biden’s attorney and were never granted the interview, Breitbart News reported.

READ MORE: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2023/09/05/james-comer-subpoenas-dhs-secret-service-over-tip-off-of-thwarted-hunter-biden-interview/

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