5 Fun Facts About Buffy The Vampire (1992) #Shorts #5funfacts

1 year ago

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5 Fun Facts About Buffy The Vampire Slayer (1992):

5. Before he was Batfleck, Ben Affleck had a small role in Buffy as a basketball player. His voice, however, didn’t make the final cut and was re-dubbed.

4. Dolly Parton: Vampire Slayer Producer. Her production company, Sandollar, not only produced the film, but held on to the TV rights and later produced the series as well; she was known to send the cast Christmas presents.

3. Already a rising star thanks to his breakout role as Dylan McKay on 90210, Buffy marks Luke Perry’s big screen debut. Another notable first timer: Hilary Swank.

2. If you can’t “beat ’em,” join ’em. To reclaim his image, and have a little fun at his own expense, Paul Reubens specifically told hair and makeup to make him look like his infamous mug shot from the year before, later saying, “It was the coolest I've ever looked.”

1. Kristy Swanson loved working with Rutger Hauer; however, his “methodical and deep” approach to his role may have been a bit much at times; she said he was a little too into their fight scene and joked that maybe they should shoot her double instead.

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Written, edited, and narrated by @I.Am.Michael.Angelo https://www.IAmMichaelAngelo.com
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Music: “The End of Me” by Gaillardia
Source: @epidemicsound
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