Video Cameras Are Destroying America

8 months ago

One of the main reasons why most people now live in fear, is because of the constant threat of being recorded. Very few Police officers are able to properly enforce the law, because someone will make a video of them and claim their actions were "Police brutality". Most populated areas are covered in CCTV cameras, and it is nearly impossible to avoid being recorded. Combine that with an atheistic population that rejects the Ten Commandments found in the scriptures, and you have a nightmare scenario that sadly has become many peoples' everyday reality!

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Our ministry address is:

King James Video Ministries
P.O. Box 214
Patten, ME 04765

I no longer have an email account due to receiving thousands of emails every day. I can not write back to everyone. If you need to get in contact with me, please send a letter to the ministry address above. If you want to send something to Katherine or Oliver, PLEASE DO NOT PUT THEIR NAME ON THE ENVELOPE. Just send it to my name (Bryan Denlinger) or to the ministry name (King James Video Ministries). Thank you very much.

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