Floods happened after Typhoon Saola. Did the CCP discharge floodwaters again?

9 months ago

9/3/2023 Videos recorded by Chinese netizens show that after Typhoon Saola, many areas in South China suffered from large-scale flooding, resulting in numerous streets and towns being submerged, including the urban areas of Luoding in Guangdong Province and Cenxi in Guangxi. In addition to the impact of heavy rainfall brought by the typhoon, were the floods also due to intentional flood discharge by the CCP?
#COVIDvaccines #COVIDvaccinedisaster #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
9/3/2023 国内网友拍摄的视频显示,台风苏拉过后,华南多地遭受大规模洪水,造成大量街道和乡镇被淹,包括广东省罗定市和广西岑溪市的市区。除了台风带来的强降雨的影响,这场洪水也是中共故意泄洪所导致的吗?
#新冠疫苗 #疫苗灾难 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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