Episode 63-Josh Parish-Rise Up to Full Power

1 year ago

Robin Stebbins host of the Medicine Girl Podcast interviews the powerful Josh Parish a Southern-born Performance Enhancement Strategist that lives right on the Beach in Destin FL. He’s helped hundreds of people level up from exactly where they are in life by teaching them that success is more about elimination than it is addition. Josh’s methodology is based in mindset and fitness transformation as these are the foundation of one’s existence. On our podcast, we discuss everything from how to slowly wean yourself off toxins and low vibration foods so that you can meet your goals successfully without giving up as more than 90% do.

Josh explains his four level approach to getting you in the best shape of your life and even how both of our methodologies bring about transformation on deep levels that you never returned to your old ways and habits.

To Find Josh: http://thejoshparish.com/

To find Robin: purifywithin.com

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