Enterprise in Oracle HCM Cloud | Enterprise Structures | HR In The Cloud

10 months ago

Enterprise in Oracle HCM Cloud | Enterprise Structures | HR In The Cloud

Oracle HCM Cloud, Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM, ou simplesmente Oracle Fusion é um sistema de gerenciamento do capital humano da Oracle, que te permite gerenciar seu RH e os colaboradores da empresa. Este vídeo é um overview sobre Estrutura Organizacional e eu falo sobre Enterprise no Oracle HCM Cloud.
Oracle HCM Cloud, Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM, or just Oracle Fusion is an Oracle's human capital management system that allows you to manage your HR and your organization workforce. This video is an overview about Enterprise Structures and I talk about Enterprise in Oracle HCM Cloud.
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âž¡ E-MAIL PARA CONTATO: klsmsolucoesdigitais@gmail.com

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