He’s Back!! Trans Teacher With Huge Fake Breast Now Presents As Man And Is Protected By Trans Cops!!

1 year ago

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Kayla Lemieux is back in the news as he’s set to start the new school year tomorrow after recently being spotted as “presenting as a man” and not wearing his huge fake prosthetic breasts.

An LGBTQ police squad seems to have been assigned to protect this pervert who likes to carry out his fetich in front of young school children.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth covers this latest development on the transgender movement that is turning into a cult where armed trans thugs are paid with tax payer dollars to protect a trans pervert teacher.

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Canadian High School Says It Is ILLEGAL To Criticize Trans Teacher With HUGE Prosthetic Breasts!!!

THIS IS INSANE!! School Board Rules Trans Teacher With GIANT Fake Breasts CAN DRESS HOW HE LIKES!!!






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