World of Warcraft - Cross Realm Zone CRZ problem in 5.0.4 patch

11 years ago

World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria (mop) - there was a huge uproar recently about the implementation of Cross Realm Zones (crz) in patch 5.0.4. While it all sounded good at first, it has turned out to have other issues many didn't foresee.

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Mods I use

Bartender 4 (adjusting the ui / action bars)
Recount (dps counter)
Bagnon (bag looks)
Titan Panel (top bar with map coordinates and more)
GatherMate 2 (mining and herb nodes on the minimap)
CrapAway (remove grey items automatically)
EasyMail (easier to take all items from the mail)
Auctionator (auction tool)

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