This Berry Makes Gin, and Is Also Medicinal...Who Knew? 🤔

8 months ago

Juniper Berry is the base flavor for the liquor, Gin. It's not a berry, but rather it's a pinecone, of sorts. Juniper has been used for thousands of years as a medicine, food source and even a food preservative. It's shown to be safe for humans and animals, and covers a wide range of conditions. The berries and essential oils are used and they're known to help with inflammation, arthritis, pain relief, hypoglycemia, and diabetes.It can even balance blood sugar!

Juniper Berry is a powerful antimicrobial herb and has shown in many kinds of studies to fight off bacteria, viruses and fungi and is even pretty potent against some forms of cancer. Pretty neat, huh? Not to mention that Juniper Berries are what give gin its flavor. You know, like a gin and tonic?

The berries are used as a tea or eaten raw. You can also powder them to make capsules or turn them into an extract, whatever works for you!

Potential of Juniperus communis L as a nutraceutical in human and veterinary medicine

Evaluation of anticancer effects of Juniperus communis extract on hepatocellular carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo

#juniper #gin #funfacts #flowerpower #TheHerbGuy #HerbsMadeEasy #somethingnew #Herbal #Remedy

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