Positive attitude in Islam ¦ Motivational lecture by Nouman Ali khan ¦ Nouman Ali Khan lecture

1 year ago

Shukr (Arabic: SHUKR) is an Arabic term
denoting thankfulness, gratitude or
acknowledgment by humans, being a
highly esteemed virtue in Islam. The
term may also be used if the subject is
God, in which case it takes the meaning
of "divine responsiveness".

In Holy Quran, Allah Almighty, says:"And remember! Your Lord caused to be declared: If you are grateful, I will add more unto you"

(Quran, 14:5-7).

Nouman Ali Khan is a Pakistani-American Muslim speaker, theologian and Arabic Instructor who founded the Bayyinah institute for Arabic and Qur'anic Studies after serving as an instructor of Arabic at Nassau Community College.

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