Skyrim part 84 - Dragon Paths [Do'Raz returns to Skyrim]

9 years ago

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Roleplay (series 2) Do'Raz the Khajiit Monk of the Whispering Fang. A let's play series role play style with gameplay commentary and realism mods (linked below).

Summary - Do'Raz and Qa'Dojo return to Skyrim from Elsweyr to be met with a Dragon attack and a bounty on one.

Do'Raz Playlist

Whispering Fang Build

Skyrim Series 1 - Malryn's Story
+ series 1 - the Malryn story had many issues with it from poor graphics due to playing on an older computer and sound due to mic and sound settings being off, the series was a first attempt into roleplaying a character in Skyrim for YouTube. While it starts off as being not so immersive, I get better as the show progresses and I upgrade some of my gear (sound and mods).
His story is now complete but is still available on the channel in it's two playlists as you wait for new episodes of series 2.

Oblivion Viss-Cera's Story
+ story - After Skyrim series 1 I wanted to try Oblivion as a roleplay and prepare well for Skryrim series 2. The main character is Viss-Cera, an Argonian battle mage. The story focuses on the main quest mostly with a few diversions. The sound and graphic quality improve greatly over Skyrim 1 with additions of an HD texture pack at episode 40 plus splitting the audio to two tracks for easier balancing and sound reduction (background noise is now gone). Not as immersive, Viss-Cera was still a good series and good practice for me as I improve in roleplaying.

MODS - from either Steam Workshop or the Nexus
Gameplay Mods -
Adventurers and Travelers (removed in part 93 - to reduce spawn in lag spikes)
Alternate Start - Live another Life
Brawlers Gauntlets
Breezehome Basement (removed in part 93 - not used)
Camping Kit of the Northern Ranger
Convenient Horses
Frostfall (removed in part 70)
Hermit's Tree House (removed in part 93 - not used)
Hunterborn (removed in part 70)
Hunters Tundra Camp
Immersive Armors
Immersive HUD
Immersive Weapons
Immersive Patrols
Immersive Creatures
Interesting NPC's
Increased Merchant Gold Count
Item Recycling
Kill them Generals
Leveled Unarmed Boost
Realistic Needs and Diseases (removed in part 70)
Reduced Distance NPC Greetings
the Dance of Death
UFO (Ultimate Follower Overhaul)
Unofficial Patch, Dawnguard, Dragonborn, Hearthfire
Warchief Armor

added in part 70 -
Extended Encounters
Sabergear Backpack
Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim
OBIS (Organized Bandits in Skyrim) REMOVED in part 93 (lag spikes when bandits spawn AND increased difficulty)
Clothing and Smithing Pack - REMOVED in part 93 (missing meshes?)
Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim

Added part 94 -
AE Animations (various posing animations for the screenshot covers)
D13 Faster Get up and Stand Animation (not play tested... not sure it works yet)

Visual Mods -
High Res Textures
Unofficial High Resolution Patch
Pure Waters
Enhanced Light and FX

Quest Packs -
Moonpath to Elsweyr (added in part 70 and removed after completed to reduce mod load stress)
Moonpath HD Texture Pack
Helgen Reborn
Fight Against the Thalmor (4 quest mods added in part 87 and removed after played in part 97)

Coming Soon - Skywind and Skyblivion
Skywind Site

Twitch (Live Stream)

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