Kenshi version .98.0 update [ultra-classy overview by some guy]

6 years ago

Kenshi game update version .98 new features

when a limb goes below -100 damage, that limb gets amputated
lost legs means you have to crawl on the floor
Legs damaged past your KO point also makes you crawl on the floor, until they are bandaged.
robot limbs can be added or removed at a Skeleton Bed
robot limbs will affect your stats in various ways
If you are crawling around on the floor you can still fight really badly as long as you have at least 1 arm.
Your amputated limb goes flying through the air. Dogs will run off with it.
If your pet dog finds a limb he'll get all defensive and keep running away with it until he finally eats it. Only happens with young dogs, so don't worry he will grow out of it eventually.
Limb loss can be reduced or disabled in the options

Crossbow shops dotted around the world
You need ammo too
Crossbows and ammo can be crafted in your base

Blood gets sprayed on the ground
People get covered in blood
Blood pools grow around people who are bleeding out
Crawling and bleeding people leave a bloody slug trail behind them. So fun.
18 new beards and 17 new hairs added to the game. Credit goes to Arkhiel for generously donating them.
New hand-painted inventory item icons. Credit goes to Diogo Santos for making them.
Some roaming bandit squads will assault your base and attempt to capture it. If they win they will throw you out and live there themselves, use your stuff, eat all your food. You will have to remove them by force to get your base back.
HOLD button replaces the PASSIVE button...
When playing dead, you can switch to stealth mode and crawl around on the ground giving your buddies first aid or trying to escape without getting noticed
The travel shops now sell tent blueprints. These can protect you from acid rain when you are camping.
Slavers and Traders guilds have near 0 relations multiplier, so fighting them causes less relations loss but they assign bounties to you instead
Swearing filter is now removed from the game, but is still available in the options
Hivers now have proper face morphs for the character editor, they can have more variety now, go and give all your hivers plastic surgery cus they're funny
When placing buildings, ramps can automatically change to the correct building for the snap target
Bandits now loot more food and take meat from downed animals, meaning they will eat your dog.
Idle characters now sit around on chairs in your home base. Looks nice, and is a handy way to keep track of who's idle.
Using training equipment can now be set as a perma-job
Confirmation message added for when selling stolen items, to prevent accidents
New keybinds added for stuff in the "orders" panel
"Perception" stat added, affects accuracy with shooting in general
"Precision shooting" stat added, affects friendly fire chance
"Lockpicking" stat added, separated now from the "Thievery" stat, which now just covers stealing. This means that all your characters don't end up inadvertently becoming specialised thieves as a result of escaping cages.
Thievery stat XP rate is doubled to compensate for the stat division. Lockpicking rate is the same.
"Crossbow smithing" stat added for crafting bows and ammo

A new AI sensory system change means that your squad now has to rely on line of sight, which should hopefully stop them running off over the hills to fight enemies
The Fog Islands have better natural resources, so it's now a nice place to build. It's lovely, you should move there.
Damaged robot limbs don't degenerate
You now get a combat XP bonus when a character fights outnumbered
Disguises don't count as disguises unless they reach over 40%
Skimmers are less edible
The "strong" new recruits are now weaker, because thats the spirit of the game.
Chance of death default increased 20%. You guys aren't dying enough.
You can now camp indoors in old buildings and ruins
Overall toughness XP rate reduced by 28%
Campfire is now automatic cooking
Animals age 2x slower
Robots and robotic limb damage is now healed instantly, but wear damage rate has been doubled, and first aid speed is 0.33x slower

FIXES and other notes -

Kenshi Playlist

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