Find the Truth, Stay Open Minded

1 year ago

Find The Truth, Stay Open-Minded

I just want to know the truth so I can make an informed decision. Alright? And people say all the time, there's so much information about nutrition, there's so much. If you're serious about leveling up and you want to be a high level entrepreneur and you want to kick around with the best of the best, which is, I'm very blessed to say that's happening more and more in my life now. And that levels me up. You have to be open-minded to the fact that just because a whole general population of people believe it to be true, doesn't make it right. And having that growth mindset has just been so eye-opening for me as well. And then pivoting when I am wrong or there is something else that I've learned that, "ah, okay." I'll freely admit that as well. Not being afraid to say I made a mistake.

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