Project Blue Beam 7 D Experiment? #UFO #Alien #ET #USO #UAP #Disclosure 👉👉👉 Follow me

1 year ago

Many conspir*acy the*ories have been proven RIGHT including UFOs? This one is NEXT!! All this will be FAKE so don't PANIC!!
FAKE ALIEN INVASION practice session started using PROJECT BLUE BEAM 7 D for Agend*a 21?!?!?!
This theme and scene is taken from Starwars but it is NOT CGI but real footage of Project Blue Beam 7 D HOLOGRAM practice sessions...
Practice sessions have started at various secret locations to MOCK UP ALIEN INVASION for using it as FALSE FLAG to trigger war and kill more people using bombs...

It's coming next after Co***d*-19 pe*nd*amic which didn't really kill as many as they desired... this is their next Agend*a-21 WEAPON...

Governments are at least 300 years ahead us (society) in the field of technology, with humanoid robots, nanotechnology / particles, laser weapons like (starwars) and had access to stargates called portals.
Most of ancient technology was better than what we see today, this technology and more were silenced and hidden from society.
They have a holographic technology, Project Blue Beam 7 D, which allows holograms to literally come to life.
They have been having this technology for decades and have now been improved in many ways.

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