Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Readjusted, Randomizer Mid Seed 1693306493047, 1P Hannah 1CC, キャディラックス 恐竜新世紀

1 year ago

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Readjusted (dinore) - キャディラックス 恐竜新世紀

Finally CDREE is out, the new editor developed to edit Cadillacs and Dinosaurs Readjusted. For those who already saw some of the other editors like PSSME or FFAEE, this one also has a Level Editor that allows you to customise the ROM as you wish, a Seed Randomizer capable o randomly placing enemies in all stages based on a difficulty profile, you can generate an entire new game with it in a few seconds, a Patch Manager allowing you to add premade or add your custom made patches, and some other tools that will allow you to modify other things in the game.
This is just a release announcement gameplay, I played it offline on Mame, but maybe I can bring some online gameplays another time.

Gameplay Settings

Player: Me (Hannah Dundee, 1CC)
Randomizer Difficulty: Mid
Seed: 1693306493047
In Game Difficulty 1: Hardest (Highest)
In Game Difficulty 2: Very Hard (Highest)

The Randomizer MID difficulty for this one is quite hard as you can see in this gameplay, too many enemies and they are too aggressive, unlike in the original game.

In case you wanna check out CDREE, you can find it at

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