Biden is asking Congress for Money for a Vaccine that "Works"

1 year ago

First of all, why is he asking Congress?

Doesn't big pharma have enough after they robbed and murdered?

Why should taxpayers pay for their own demise?

Is he admitting they didn't work?

It's obvious they didn't.

When are people going to figure this game out?

They have a "new variant" every other month, so we need their poison for every variant?

They will continue to play this charade until the majority will not consent.

This funding is NOT for a vaccine, probably will be funneled through Ukraine for dirty laundry.

Why isn't the media asking any questions? Oh, yeah, they are the engine that keeps this charade running.

Now they are finally figuring out the masks contain toxic substances which are causing seizures and cancer.

I'm sure they will soon have a vaccine that "works" for those also.

This is all a shit show. They have their vaccines on ice right this very second. They just need the media to keep people believing their lying narrative.

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