WOW! CDC ADMITS VAX MAKES YOU SICK! - Latest Propaganda Campaign Is Going TERRIBLY!

1 year ago

[09/04/2023] - Josh Sigurdson reports on the latest acknowledgement by the CDC as they admit the covid injections lead to a higher rate of so-called "covid." For 2 years, the CDC claimed those who were uninjected were risking other people's lives and putting themselves in danger. Now the CDC says that so-called "covid" injures and kills more vaccinated than unvaccinated. Of course covid itself has never been isolated from a human. But it's clear to see that injecting yourself with something that destroys the immune system is bound to make someone sicker overall in general. This latest admittance comes as the media propaganda campaign explodes in the media's face as people are not buying the notion of further lockdowns and masking.


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