Baby Wildebeest Chased This Couple's Car, Thinking It Was Its Mom

6 years ago

Every baby wants to explore the moment they can walk on their own. Human babies have it somewhat easier, because they take a little longer to start walking before they start exploring, but for animal babies, they are on their feet just a short while after they are born, so exploration comes as second nature to their young selves.

Unfortunately for animal moms, they don't have those ridiculous looking but ever still so popular baby leashes that humans use to keep tracks of their babies. That is how this baby wildebeest got lost in the first place.

A couple driving around the savanna in South Africa got to save the poor baby and bring it back to it's mama, but not before the calf imprinted on their car, thinking it was it's mother! Luckily, they got it all on video.

Whether it actually thought that the car was it's parent or it was just hoping that it might help it find her, we can never know. What we do know, however, is that the two cars drove slowly for 7 kilometers so that they might actually find the female that lost her calf and reunite them.

The couple drove on in desperation, thinking they might never find her, when she suddenly appears and the calf shoots towards her. All is well that ends well.

Via Latest Sightings (

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