🎥 A Fistful of Dollars - 1964 - Clint Eastwood - 🎥 FULL MOVIE

9 months ago

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✅ The Story ...

An unnamed stranger arrives at the little town of San Miguel, on the Mexico–United States border.

Silvanito, the town's innkeeper, tells the Stranger about a feud between two smuggler families vying to gain control of the town: the Rojo brothers (Don Miguel, Esteban & Ramón), and the family comprising the town sheriff John Baxter, his matriarchal wife Consuelo, and their son Antonio.

The Stranger (in order to make money) decides to play these families against each other. He demonstrates his speed and accuracy with his gun, to both sides, by shooting with ease four men, including the three who insulted him as he entered the town.

The Stranger seizes an opportunity when he sees the Rojos massacre a detachment of Mexican soldiers who were escorting a chest of gold (which they had planned to exchange for a shipment of new rifles). He takes two of the dead bodies to a nearby cemetery and sells information to each of the two groups, saying that two Mexican soldiers survived the attack.

Each faction races to the cemetery, the Baxters to get the supposed survivors to testify against the Rojos and the Rojos to silence them; they engage in a gunfight, with Ramón appearing to kill the supposed survivors and Esteban capturing Antonio Baxter.

While the Rojos and the Baxters are fighting, the Stranger searches the Rojo hacienda for the gold. While he is searching he accidentally knocks out a woman, Marisol. He takes her to the Baxters, who, in turn, arrange to return her to the Rojos in exchange for Antonio.

During the exchange, Marisol's son, Jesús, runs towards her, followed by her husband, Julio. While the family embraces, Ramón orders one of his men, Rubio, to kill her husband as he has already told him to leave town. Silvanito attempts to protect the family with a shotgun with the Stranger backing him up.

Neither Ramón nor any of his men attempt to challenge the Stranger, knowing that he is too fast on the draw. The Stranger then tells Marisol to go with Ramón, and for her husband to take their son home. He learns from Silvanito that Ramón framed Julio as a cheat during a card game and took Marisol prisoner, forcing her to live with him.

That night, while the Rojos are celebrating, the Stranger rides out and frees Marisol, shooting the guards and wrecking the house in which she is being held to create the appearance of an attack by the Baxters. He gives money to Marisol, urging her and her family to leave the town. When the Rojos discover the Stranger has freed Marisol, they capture and torture him; nevertheless, he escapes them.

Believing he is being protected by the Baxters, the Rojos set fire to the Baxter home, massacring them as they flee the burning building. After pretending he will spare their lives, Ramón kills the pleading John and Antonio Baxter. Consuelo, appearing and finding her family dead, curses the Rojos for killing unarmed men. She is then shot dead by Esteban. With help from the local coffin-maker named Piripero, the Stranger escapes town by hiding in a coffin.

The Stranger convalesces inside a nearby mine, but when Piripero tells him that Silvanito has been captured and is being tortured by the Rojos for information on the Stranger's whereabouts, he returns to town to confront them. With a steel chest plate hidden beneath his poncho, he taunts Ramón to "aim for the heart" as Ramón's shots deflect off until Ramón exhausts his Winchester rifle's ammunition.

The Stranger shoots the weapon from Ramón's hand and kills Don Miguel, Rubio, and the other Rojo men standing nearby. He then uses the last bullet in his gun to free Silvanito, who is hanging from a rope by his hands.

After challenging Ramón to reload his rifle faster than he can reload his own revolver, the Stranger shoots and kills Ramón. Esteban Rojo aims for the Stranger's back from a nearby building but is shot dead by Silvanito.

The Stranger bids Silvanito and Piripero farewell and rides away from town.

✅ Credits :

Directed by : Sergio Leone
Based on : Yojimbo by Akira Kurosawa and Ryūzō Kikushima
Produced by : Arrigo Colombo and Giorgio Papi
Cinematography : Massimo Dallamano
Edited by : Roberto Cinquini
Music by : Ennio Morricone
Production Companies : Jolly Film, Constantin Film and Ocean Films
Distributed by : Unidis, Constantin Film and Izaro Films
Release Date : 12 September 1964

✅ Cast :

Clint Eastwood as "Joe", the Man with No Name
Marianne Koch as Marisol
Gian Maria Volonté as Ramón Rojo
W. Lukschy as Sheriff John Baxter
Sieghardt Rupp as Esteban Rojo
Joe Edger as Piripero
Antonio Prieto as Don Miguel Rojo (Don Benito Rojo in the Italian version)
Pepe Calvo as Silvanito
Margherita Lozano as Consuelo Baxter
Daniel Martín as Julio
Benny Reeves as Rubio
Richard Stuyvesant as Chico
Bruno Carotenuto as Antonio Baxter
Aldo Sambreli as Manolo

✅ Film Information Source :


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📦 BUY THIS MOVIE ON AMAZON : https://amzn.to/3Tks1UZ


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