Pulse Anniversary Should Be Reminder We Are All in This Together

7 years ago

As we recognize the one-year anniversary of the attack at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, we need be reminded that this event was not just an attack against the LGBTQ community but one against us all and the values that make this the greatest nation on earth. It is those values that mean we as a people have the freedom to celebrate who we are with and around others from all walks of life.
Make no mistake- that this event makes an attack against us all and as with more recent attacks, requires a response that transcends politics and shows that we are a united people under a set of values based on freedom, respect, and strength.
While those values are threatened by an enemy that does not care what political party we belong to, nor our sexual orientation, just that we live under a freedom that challenges their oppressive way of life. The only designation in times like these is the one that we all share- that we are Americans.

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