Dr. Mike Yeadon Exposes WEF Globalist Bioweapons Jabs

1 year ago

Dr. Mike Yeadon Fully Exposes the FULL intent for the creation of all the vaccines... for the purpose of killing off most of humanity... 90%. Please share this far and wide. The more people that have knowledge of this... the quicker we can shut them down and ARREST them, if possible.

We know exactly who they are! Mainly George Soros, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Tedros with the W.H.O (World Health Organization) and a few others.

They are UNELECTED Wealthy men and they have no right to think they can kill us off like cattle. They need to be arrested as they did to the Nazi War Criminals in Holocaust Germany who killed off 12 million people in the 1930's and 40's. They have said that by 2030 the population will be only 10% left... 90% will be murdered by various means by these same Globalist elite and their many evil minions in hospitals... military... local, state and national government... food production... Food factory destructions, poisoning of our air with the Geoengineering Chemtrails... etc. It's even in our water and toothpaste with the toxic Fluoride and now they've added GRAPHENE HYDROXIDE (one of the toxins in the jabs that turn people into WALKING ATTENAS to coincide with the toxic 5G killer technology!!!

Folks if we don't fight back today... each of us in our way... through sharing what these globalists are doing, or talking to a neighbor, or coworker... and preparing yourself a safe haven... maybe in the country with a water well and a garden, with likeminded people. You have very little time left. #1 Pray, pray that God will lead you to the right place... with the right people. Cities will be the first ones that will go... probably with the same Microwave weapons or D.E.W. weapons they used on Maui!

SO GET OUT of the Cities!!! The Bible says in Proverbs 22:3... "The prudent see danger and take cover, but the simple keep going and suffer the consequences."

I truly LOVE each and EVERYONE of you who read this!

Know Christ and KNOW Peace...
No Christ and No peace... for eternity.

PLEASE Get right with God! Forgive people. Love people. Hug people. Help people. And repent from any sin in your life... sin that God calls sin in His Word.

I believe the rapture is very soon. All the signs Christ asked us to "WATCH" for are all here... signs we see in Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. Read them... and be a Ready WISE Bride!

Take the narrow road that leads to heaven. The Bible says that most will not take that narrow path... but instead take the broad road that leads to destruction and hell.

Heaven is real. And so is hell. And Hell is still hot.

Much love in Christ,

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