Complete Internet censorship in Europe - the Digital Services Act [This Week in Tyranny: episode 39]

1 year ago

This Week in Tyranny: the most hardcore news show on Earth.
A weekly show about authoritarianism, government overreach, and global injustice.

Episode 39 – September 1st, 2023
This Week in Tyranny:

The Digital Services Act goes into effect in Europe - a set of regulations, binding in the entire European Union, on all online content. In effect, the law is the blueprint for censorship in the 21st century.

The DSA - Digital Services Act, is unprecedented. It expands power and control to every area of the information space:
Very Large Online Platforms - main areas of transmitting information
(YouTube, Facebook)
Online Platforms - online marketplaces, app stores, collaborative economy platforms and social media platforms
(Amazon, Etsy)
Hosting Services – cloud and web hosting services
(GoDaddy, Wordpress)
Intermediary Services – providers of network infrastructure
(Internet access providers, domain name registrars)

Mechanisms for these platforms to cooperate with “trusted flaggers” effectively creates a censorship force, loyal only to the European Commission. And the same way a pyramid scheme hides the nature of it scam behind its layered structure, the European government will hide the structure of top-down, centralized censorship- by having these trusted flaggers be: so-called- third-party, objective, independent individuals, appointed by each of the EU member nations. These flaggers will have the same ideology as the European government. There is no government decree needed, the government/corporate structure will inevitably produce censoring, globalist puppets from its ranks.

The DSA also focuses on merchants and sellers, introducing the power to remove sellers of unauthorized products. In effect, anyone selling a product that is not approved by any of Europe’s regulatory agencies can be removed and wiped from the internet, with the justification that they were selling harmful or illegal products. Today, this clause can be invoked against drug dealers, tomorrow, it will be invoked against sellers of organic foods, natural supplements, and herbal medicine.

No one has the right to regulate trade. Anything less than a completely free market is a claim of ownership of human beings and their property – slavery.

Also included in the DSA is the possibility to challenge platforms’ content moderation decisions. This will create a chorus of mass-hysteria, as any content-moderation decision could be flagged, challenged, or brought into question, based on the emotional response of the users. Information publishing is not something to be made dependent upon the whims of the masses. Public scrutiny is an inevitable part of life in the information age. Unfortunately, the public will always scrutinize the free-thinkers and revolutionaries, and always follow the providers of comfort and security.
The DSA imposes the largest obligations on the largest platforms and search engines – risk management. Risk management, although euphemised well, is essentially preemptive censorship. Platforms such as YouTube or Google will now be required to analyze the current public narratives and anticipate content moderation based on public sentiment. The DSA’s Risk management will become a firewall against any important information in times of crisis.

And to put a cherry on top, the European Commission has appointed itself as the dictator and decision maker. They alone, under the DSA, receive the power or supervision and enforcement. A European Board for Digital Services will direct conduct and policy for very large platforms, as well as for the member nations themselves.

The European Union and their commission have the nerve to use the phrase “freedom-of-speech” in this scheme of a law. What good is freedom of speech if it is done under coercion? These platforms will have to abide by a notice-and-action mechanism, which will effectively force them to spend money on employees and lawyers if they want to contest a censorship “notice”. There is not incentive for them for fight on behalf of its users, and every incentive for them to comply with the demands in order to appease the Commission and maximize profits. Financial penalties and the court system powers modern censorship.

It doesn’t matter if every internet user in the world has freedom of speech if their words are based in fear. It is freedom of expression that we need.
Expression – a testimony of presence and consciousness, and act performed by free living beings. Have you seen many of them around? I haven’t.

Hosted by Konrad Rogoz

Full text - Digital Services Act

Digital Service Act website - European Commission:

#naturallaw #censorship #freespeech
#spiritualawakening #nature #principles

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