Motivational talk to Christians 8/30/2023

1 year ago

A motivational talk to Christians 8/30/2023, concerning holidays. A belief system around the Zachariah Priesthood,
When Zachariah came home and his wife Elizabeth conceived John, early summer. 6 months later the Angel visited Mary (early winter) and tells her that her cousin Elizabeth was in her 6th month of pregnancy. 9 months later Jesus was born in early Fall (Autumn).
Every child should have a holiday (gathering day).
I gave certain parts of this belief system names.
GodBlessing---early winter, Angel visiting Mary. About 2 weeks later, the observance of Mary and Elizabeth together rejoicing. Blessed among women. John the fetus leaps for joy in the presence of Jesus the new embryo. Yes, this is a prolife event.
Tabernacling----early Fall (Autumn) Birth of Jesus. 8 day observance.
ChristLight-----late spring or summer. Wiseman followed the star to a house in Nazareth. Gave gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to king Jesus a young tiny child age 2 or younger.
visit Facebook group: Alternative Holidays for Christians.

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